It's been documented that people with end-stage kidney disease who receive chronic dialysis have high rates of cardiovascular disease and death from cardiovascular disease. About 15-20 per cent of dialysis patients die each year, most from cardiovascular disease.
However, In- hospital Nocturnal Dialysis has been linked with lower blood pressure values and phosphate levels (which are markers of cardiovascular disease), as well as a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, heart attack and stroke.
Unlike conventional dialysis where patients get 12 hours of dialysis a week, given as four hours a session, three days per week; In-hospital nocturnal dialysis provides twice as much time -- eight hours on each of three nights.
In addition to the potential health benefits, nighttime dialysis frees up patients' daytime hours to do the things that haemodialysis treatments typically disrupt such as employment, child care and household chores.
To sum it all up, In-hospital Nocturnal Dialysis benefits both the kidney and heart.
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