Reattachment of a completely amputated hand in Kenya

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Surgeons at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya have successfully reattached the hand of a 17-year-old boy which was severed by a grass cutter.
The attempt to reattach the hand began at 10pm on January 26; the procedure took seven hours, ending at 6am on January 27.
Dr Wanjala Nang'ole and Prof Stanley Khainga of the University of Nairobi school of medicine were the surgeons.

🏩If an amputation is complete, control the bleeding after cleansing the site by covering the wound with a pressure dressing. 
Wrap the amputated part in sterile saline soaked gauze and place it in a watertight container or resealable plastic bag. 
Place the protected part in an iced saline container. 
Do not allow the damaged part to come in direct contact with ice.

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