Coin removal from a child

Children love to put things in their mouths especially coins, plastic toys, and small household items. If a child has stridor (a high-pitched sound heard when the child breathes), wheezing, cough, an initial choking episode, drooling or inability to eat, please suspect a foreign body obstruction.

Pharyngeal or tracheal foreign bodies are medical emergencies requiring surgical consultation. N.B- Radiography results are often normal.

If the object is in the airway a laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy will need to be performed to remove the item.  This procedure involves passing a rigid scope into the airway, viewing the airway to find the object and then using special forceps to remove the item.  If the object is in the esophagus a scope is passed into the esophagus (esophagoscopy) and special tools are used to remove the stuck, swallowed item. Once the foreign body is removed the child typically recovers quickly.

By the way, this doctor used a catheter, did you like her method?
