Man Loses Limbs to Bacteria in Dog's Saliva

Greg Manteufel, 48, lost his arms and legs after an infection with a rare form of bacteria called capnocytophaga, which is common and harmless in dogs but can be fatal for humans that catch it. However, it remains unclear how the bacteria ended up in Greg's blood stream.
Although the infection was quickly cleared with antibiotics, the problem in Greg's case 'was that his body mounted an overwhelming response to this original blood infection and shut down the circulation of his limbs,' Dr. Munoz-Price, an epidemiologist, told the Associated Press.
His legs were amputated below the knee; then his forearms were amputated two weeks later while his nose still requires plastic surgery. But, for the record, Greg insists that he still loves dogs: 'I'll always love dogs. It's a sad situation but it wasn't the dog's fault.

Capnocytophaga canimorsus, a bacterial pathogen, is typically found in the saliva of cats and dogs.
The bacteria's transmission can occur through bites, licks or even close proximity to the animals and can lead to infection in humans who are immunocompromised.
Symptoms usually appear within one to eight days of exposure, but mostly on the second day. They can range from flu-like symptoms to sepsis.
Infection can usually be treated effectively with antibiotics but there can be long-term side effects which include amputation from gangrene, heart attack, and kidney failure.
Source: CDC
