Sydney man contracts HIV despite taking PrEP drug

According to reports, Steven Spencer, 27, tested positive for HIV in December, despite using PrEP  before and after sexual encounters in line with the advice of doctors.

PrEP is an acronym that stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It involves HIV negative people taking antiretroviral drugs to protect them and prevent HIV infection – just one tablet a day of Truvada.

Most doctors recommend taking the blue pill daily for it to be around 99 per cent effective, but Mr Spencer was following the "on-demand approach" — which can be recommended to PrEP users who don't have regular sex.

Mr Spencer started HIV treatment the day he was diagnosed and after six weeks his viral load was undetectable, meaning the virus is unable to be transmitted during sexual intercourse.
He said the last thing he wanted was for people to start doubting the effectiveness of PrEP.
