
Doctors Poem

Young girl struck with breast overgrowth

Medical jokes!!!

Medical Inventions

Who Deserves The Damsel?

Fake Soldier Also Posed As A Doctor

Medical Cake- Yay or Nay?

HIV statistics for Lagos

Case Study: Osteosarcoma

Medical Joke


Health Riddle

Mystery Diagnosis!!

Video: Foreign Body Removal

"20 rupees" doctor buried, thousands of patients mourn

Mystery Diagnosis

Beauty and brains!!!

Say No To Female Genital Mutiliation

Hand Reimplantation Surgery

Medicaid To The Rescue

Antibiotic resistance awareness

Medical Jokes!!

Doctor Assaults Nurse At Abaji General Hospital

Meet Dr. Stanley Okoro, A Nigerian Plastic Surgeon

Video: Incisional Hernia

Medical Jokes

Doctor Jokes


Ogun State Bans Auxiliary Nurses From Running Health Facilities

Video: Why women should not wear bras

Siamese Twins Delivery

Medical Joke

Fart Causes Fire In The Theatre

Nigerian boy lists conditions for visiting the hospital

Funny Medical Picture

A Nigeria-based young doctor has been nominated as a delegate of the World Medical Association to the United Nations Climate Change Conference for 2016 COP22

Retinal Detachment Surgery